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SASH provides free, non-judgemental support to improve sexual health, relationships, and mental health.

Tel: 020 7851 2955


Barnardos Tiger

Barnardos Tiger Light

Provides short term emotional support to children and young people (CYP) aged 18 & under who have experienced sexual abuse. The service aims to ‘hold’ cases in order to ascertain what services and ongoing referrals are required.

Barnardos Tiger Project
As above but a longer project for 6 months currently operating in Hammersmith & Fulham.

Barnardos Faith Project 
A specialist service for CYP with harmful or problematic sexual behaviour. This project includes sessions with parents where appropriate.



Call: 020 7790 4621


Women and Girls Network West London Rape Crisis Centre

Provides specialist counselling for women and girls who have experienced sexual violence, whether this is recent or historic. This includes rape, childhood sexual abuse, trafficking, sexual exploitation, prostitution, sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual bullying, and gang-related sexual violence.

Referrals: self-referrals, and referrals from agencies.

The London Survivors Gateway on 0808 801 0860


CLASH (Central London Action on Sexual Health)

The Team provides the following sexual health services:

  • Health promotion specialists providing one-to-one advice and information counselling for sex workers

  • A specialist sexual health clinic for female sex workers offering health services and advice

  • Sexual health outreach services to working flats and saunas, satellite clinic for homeless people, sex workers, drug users and men who have sex with men.

  • Service for Westminster, Camden and Islington

  • Sex workers

  • Homeless people

  • Drug users

  • Men who have sex with men

Tel: 020 7734 1794


Address: 11 Warwick Street, W2B 5NA

Just contact us free & confidentially on: 

0808 801 0660

Mon - Fri 10am - 4pm

Wed      6pm - 9pm

Translators available

0800 059 0108

Mon - Fri 10am - 6pm

Thurs      8am - 6pm

Translators available

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