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Whatever support you need, Angelou can help you. From increasing your safety to enhancing your emotional well-being, we can help you find a solution.

Even if all you need is someone to listen and not to judge, we can help you.

You can chat to us over the phone, face to face or attend group sessions – whatever works best for you.

We work together to bring the service to you.Whatever you may need, we can help you find the right support. 





We can support you through...
  • Sexual violence or abuse, rape and child exploitation

  • Domestic abuse

  • Stalking and harassment

  • FGM and honour-based violence

  • Faith-based violence

Who can we support? 

For example...

- Women & girls over 13

- Single women & women in a relationship

- Mothers & families

ANYONE who needs to reach out.

- Lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgendered people

- Arabic & Moroccan speaking women

- Women from the African diaspora

- Older people

Directory of Support Services
All of the following services are partners in Angelou, click on the link to access their websites directly and find out more about what they can offer.
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Domestic Violence Intervention Project (DVIP)- A Division of Richmond Fellowship

020 7633 9181

We run services for men who have been violent to their partner, and for women who have suffered domestic violence. We support parents and children affected by domestic violence. We work with people across London, from all walks of life.


With nearly 20 years of experience, we aim to help people end the cycle of domestic abuse, for good. Al-Aman is DVIP’s Arabic Speaking Project that offers support to Arabic speaking clients across London.

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020 8741 7008

For women and girls (aged 15+) living in London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham, Kensington & Chelsea, Westminster and Brent experiencing domestic violence from current or former partner/family member, including forced marriage/honour-based violence.​

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Women & Girls Network

0808 801 0660

Women and Girls Network (WGN) is a women-only organisation providing free and confidential advice, advocacy, counselling and support group services for women and girls who have experienced gendered violence, including sexual and domestic violence.


Our overall aim is to promote, preserve and restore the mental health and well-being of women and girls, to empower them to make a total and sustainable recovery from their experiences of violence.

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Woman's Trust

0207 034 0303

Woman’s Trust  is a women-only organisation providing free and confidential therapeutic services including counselling and support group, self-development workshops and mother and children art therapy workshops for women who have experienced domestic services abuse.


We support women’s mental and emotional recovery from their experiences of domestic abuse.


Solace Women's Aid

0808 802 5565

Solace Women’s Aid is an independent charity working across London, providing life-saving support offering refuges, advice, counselling, advocacy, support groups and family & children’s projects, enabling survivors to live free from abuse.


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Al-Hasaniya Moroccan Women's Centre

0203 048 4488

Working with Moroccan and Arabic speaking women, supporting them to be aware of their rights and empowering them to make informed decisions


The Domestic Abuse Project provides practical, emotional support and sign-posting for Moroccan and Arabic speaking women.

- IDVA conducts Risk and Needs assessments along with Safety Plans

- Provides one to one support, advocacy, outreach and assistance relating to domestic violence, housing, health, legal issues etc.

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Visit Hesita


020 7378 3100

We are the largest provider of domestic abuse refuges in London and have the largest team of specialists working to combat Human Trafficking across the Capital and the South East. ​


Our Butterfly Project is a community based women's group. Run by survivors for survivors, it provides support for women who have experienced or are currently experiencing domestic abuse.

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0207 034 0303

LGBT anti-violence & abuse charity. We give advice and support to people who have experienced biphobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexual violence or domestic abuse.




Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation (IKWRO)

0207 920 6460      (9.30am - 5.00pm)   

07846 275 246      (Arabic/Kurdish)

07846 310 157     (Farsi/Dari)

IKWRO is a registered charity set up to help women and girls from the UK’s Middle Eastern communities and North Africa, Afghanistan and Turkey who are facing “honour” based violence, forced and child marriage, female genital mutilation (FGM) or domestic violence.

"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style. "


Just contact us free & confidentially on: 

0808 801 0660

Mon - Fri 10am - 4pm

Wed      6pm - 9pm

Translators available

0800 059 0108

Mon - Fri 10am - 6pm

Thurs      8am - 6pm

Translators available

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